IP-4 Curriculum
This is the fourth grade intensive preparation curriculum. This course is designed for students who have completed third grade curriculum and are rising to the challenges ahead in fourth grade. It contains 6 lessons and meets for 2 hour per week over the summer. Whereas most summer math programs are remedial in nature, our program is a more rigorous review of previous skills learned. It will require students entering the 4IP class to apply prior knowledge learned from third grade (3A and 3B) material to solve more challenging multi-step word and non-routine problems, thereby improving and expanding their abilities. One-time educational material fee: $15.00 USD. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Lesson 1: Addition and subtraction within 10,000. Multiplication and division within 10,000.
Lesson 2: Mental calculations. Money. Time.
Lesson 3: Length, mass, volume and capacity, in U.S. and metric units.
Lesson 4: Bar graphs. Fractions.
Lesson 5: Angles. Perpendicular lines, Parallel lines.
Lesson 6: Area. Perimeter.
Our Intensive Preparation classes are an ideal way to improve your children’s math skills and fully prepare them for the coming academic year, while avoiding the nearly universal deterioration of math skills that results if children neglect math over the summer.