Primary 2B
Second semester of second grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2 hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Methods of Mental Addition – Add one or tens to a 3-digit number. Add ones, tens or hundred to a 3-digit number. Add two-digit numbers. Add 99 or 98 to a 1-digit or 2-digit number. Add 99 or 98 to a 3-digit number.
Methods of Mental Subtraction – Subtract one or tens from a 2-digit number. Subtract ones, tens or hundred from a 3-digit number. Subtract two-digit numbers. Subtract 99 or 98 from hundreds. Subtract 99 or 98 from 3-digit numbers. Practice mental addition and subtraction
Mental Math Word Problems – Solve word problems using mental addition and subtraction
Multiplying and Dividing by 4 – Write multiplication equations for fours. Write two multiplication equations for a rectangular array. Build multiplication table for 4. Memorize multiplication facts for 4. Relate division facts to multiplication facts for 4. Memorize multiplication facts for 4. Review multiplication and division facts for 2 and 3. Solve word problems.
Multiplying and Dividing by 5 and 10 – Write multiplication equations for fives and tens. Write two multiplication equations for a rectangular array. Build multiplication tables for 5 and 10. Memorize multiplication facts for 5 and 10. Relate division facts to multiplication facts for 5 and 10. Memorize multiplication facts for 5 and 10.. Solve word problems involving multiplication and division by 5 and 10.
Money: Dollars and Cents – Count money in a set of bills and coins. Recognize, read and write the decimal notation for money. Write amount of money in words and figures. Convert money from one denomination to another or between dollars and cents to cents. Make change for $1. Make change for $10. Solve word problems.
Money: Addition – Add money by adding dollars and cents separately. Add money within $10 by first adding dollars, then cents. Add money within $10 using the formal algorithm for addition. Add money using mental strategies. Solve word problems
Money: Subtraction – Subtract money by subtracting dollars and cents separately. Subtract money within $10 by first subtracting dollars, then cents. Subtract money within $10 using the formal algorithm for subtraction. Subtract money using mental strategies. Solve word problems
Fractions – Recognize and name half and quarter. Read and write half (½) and quarter (¼) in fractional notation. Understand fractional notation. Identify and write different fractions of a whole. Name unit fractions up to 1/12. Compare and order fractions. Find fractions whose sum makes a whole.
Telling Time – Tell time to the 5-minute interval. Read time notation. Tell time as minutes after the hour. Tell time to as minutes before the hour. Tell time to the quarter hour. Relate time to events of the day. Use a.m. and p.m. Find the duration of a time interval in minutes using a clock face. Find the duration of a time interval in hours using a clock face. Find the start or end time for a time interval.
Capacity – Compare the capacity of containers. Understand the liter as a unit of measurement. Compare volume in liters. Understand cups, pints, quarts, and gallons as units of measurement. Compare units to each other. Solve world problems involving capacity.
Graphs – Understand and create picture graphs with scales. Read and interpret picture graphs with scales.
Geometry and Patterns – Identify basic shapes on 3-dimensional objects. Combine shapes into a common shape. Identify flat and curved faces on 3-dimensional objects. Make composite figures from basic shapes. Identify straight and curved lines. Make shapes with straight and curved lines. Identify half circles and quarter circles. Fit basic shapes together to make new shapes. Divide a shape into common shapes. Describe and continue a pattern according to 1 or 2 attributes of color, shape, size or orientation.
Area and Perimeter – Understand the concepts area and perimeter. Find the area of a figure in square units. Compare the area of figures in square units. Measure the perimeter of a figure. Compare the area of figures to their perimeter.
End-of-Year Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 2A and 2B.