Primary 5A
This is the first semester of the fifth grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2¼ hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Place Value to Millions – Interpret numbers within 1,000,000 in terms of place value. Read and write 7-digit numbers and corresponding number words. Evaluate number patterns involving counting on or back by place value. Compare and order numbers within 10,000,000.
Approximation and Estimation – Round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand. Estimate the answer in addition and subtraction. Estimate the answer in multiplication and division of a whole number by a 1-digit number.
Multiplying by 10s, 100s, and 1000s – Mentally multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Multiply whole numbers by tens, hundreds or thousands. Estimate the product of a whole number and a 2-digit number.
Dividing by 10s, 100s, and 1000s – Divide whole numbers by tens, hundreds or thousands. Estimate the quotient when a whole number is divided by a 2-digit number.
Order of Operations – Perform mental math. Do mixed operations involving addition and subtraction without parentheses. Do mixed operations involving multiplication and division without parentheses. Do mixed operations involving all four operations without parentheses. Do mixed operations involving all four operations with parentheses.
Multiplication – Multiply a 2-digit, 3-digit, or 4-digit number by a 2-digit number.
Division - Divide a 2-digit or 3-digit number by a 2-digit number where the quotient is 1 digit. Divide a 2-digit or 3-digit number by a 2-digit number where the quotient is 2 digits. Divide a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number.
Word Problems – Review part-whole and comparison models for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Solve 2-step word problems involving multiplication and division by 2-digit numbers. Solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication and division by 2-digit numbers.
Fractions and Division – Review equivalent fractions, simplest form, improper fractions, and mixed numbers. Associate division with fractions. Change an improper number to a mixed number or a whole number by division. Express the quotient as a whole number or a mixed number.
Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions – Add unlike fractions. Subtract unlike fractions. Solve simple word problems involving the addition and subtraction of unlike fractions.
Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers – Add mixed numbers. Subtract mixed numbers. Solve simple word problems involving the addition and subtraction of mixed numbers.
Product of a Fraction and a Whole Number – Multiply a proper fraction by a whole number. Convert a fraction of a measurement to a smaller unit of measurement by multiplying by a conversion factor. Covert a measurement expressed as a mixed number to a smaller unit of measurement. Express a part of a quantity as a fraction. Solve simple word problems.
Product of Fractions – Illustrate a fraction of a fraction with rectangular girds. Multiply fractions by fractions.
Dividing a Fraction by a Whole Number – Illustrate a fraction divided by a whole number with rectangular grids. Divide fractions by whole numbers.
Fractions: Word Problems – Solve multi-step word problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions.
Area of Triangles – Derive the formula for the area of a triangle. Find corresponding heights for different bases of a triangle. Find the area of a triangle using a formula. Solve problems involving area of a triangle and area of a rectangle.
Ratios and Equivalent Ratios – Compare two quantities using ratios. Interpret a given ratio in terms of units. Find equivalent rations. Express a ratio of two quantities in simplest form. Review common factors. Use the comparison model to represent a ratio of two quantities. Solve word problems involving ratios of two quantities.
Comparing three quantities – Compare three quantities using ratios. Write a given ratio of three quantities in simplest form. Solve word problems involving ratios of three quantities.
Angles – Estimate and measure angles. Construct angles of a given size. Tell direction in relation to an 8-point compass. Tell the angle between various points of the compass. Understand clockwise and counterclockwise turning in relation to an 8-point compass. Recognize that vertically opposite angles of intersecting lines are equal. Recognize that adjacent angles on a straight line add up to 180o. Recognize that all the angles around a point (or pair of intersecting lines) add up to 360o. Find unknown angles involving complementary angles, supplementary angles, angles at a point, and vertically opposite angles.
End-of-Semester Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 5A.