Primary 6B
This is the second semester of the sixth grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2½ hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Fractions: Division – Divide a whole number by a unit fraction. Divide a fraction by a whole number. Divide a fraction by a unit fraction. Divide a whole number by a fraction. Divide a fraction by a fraction.
Fractions: Order of Operations – Do mixed operations which involve addition and subtraction of fractions, without parentheses. Do mixed operations which involve multiplication and division of fractions, without parentheses. Do mixed operations which involve all four operations with fractions, without parentheses. Do mixed operations which involve all four operations with fractions, with parentheses.
Fractions: Word Problems – Solve word problems involving fractions using pictorial models.
Circles: Radius, Diameter, and Circumference – Relate the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Find the circumference of a circle when given its radius. Find the perimeter of a semicircle or quarter circle and related figures. Find the perimeter of a compound shapes.
Circles: Area – Relate the area of a circle to its radius. Find the area of a circle when given its diameter or radius. Find the area of a semicircle or quarter circle and related figures. Find the area of a compound shape made up of squares, rectangles, triangles, semicircles and/or quarter circles.
Circles: Word Problems – Solve word problems involving finding the area and/or perimeter of compound shapes.
Graphs: Pie Charts – Understand pie charts. Read and interpret pie charts with data given as whole numbers. Read and interpret pie charts with data given as fractions. Read and interpret pie charts with data given as percentages.
Volume – Find the volume of a cuboid (a rectangular solid). Find the number of cubes of a given side that are needed to fill a cuboid. Find the number of cubes of a given size that can be cut from a cuboid. Find the edge of a cube when given its volume and two dimensions or its volume and the area of a face. Convert volume of a liquid from cm3 to liters and milliliters and vice versa. Solve multi-step word problems involving the volume of a liquid in a rectangular tank.
Volume: Word Problems – Solve multi-step word problems involving the displacement of a liquid by a solid. Solve multi-step word problems involving the rate of flow a liquid.
General Review: Circles, Pie Graphs, Volume – Solve word problems to review circles, pie graphs and volume.
Review of Triangles and 4-Sided Figures – Review the angle properties of triangles, right triangles, isosceles triangles, equilateral triangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids. Use the angle properties of triangles, right triangles, isosceles triangles, equilateral triangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids to calculate unknown angles.
Triangles and 4-Sided Figures – Use the angle properties of triangles, right triangles, isosceles triangles, equilateral triangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids to calculate unknown angles.
Whole Numbers: Word Problems – Review whole numbers. Apply knowledge of whole numbers to solve multi-step word problems.
Decimal: Word Problems – Review decimals. Apply knowledge of decimals to solve multi-step word problems.
Area and Perimeter: Word Problems – Review area and perimeter of rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, and quadrants. Apply knowledge of area and perimeter to solve multi-step word problems.
Bar and Line Graphs, Fractions, Ratios: Word Problems – Review bar and line graphs, fractions and ratios. Apply knowledge to solve multi-step word problems.
Average, Rate, Percentage and Speed: Word Problems – Review average, rate, percentage and speed. Apply knowledge to solve multi-step word problems.
End-of-Year Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 6A and 6B.