Primary 1A
This is the first semester of the first grade curriculum. This course is designed for ages 6 and older. It contains 17 lessons and meets for 1½ hour per week. Tuition cost: $40.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Reading and writing numbers up to 10 – To read and write the numerals and number words within 10, understand what they mean, and count up to 10 objects.
Comparing numbers up to 10 – To compare two or more sets of objects within 10 and understand the meaning of “more than”, “less than” and “same as”.
Sequencing numbers up to 10 – To understand the relative value of numbers within ten and use that understanding to arrange numbers in ascending or descending order and complete number sequences.
Challenging problems with numbers up to 10 – To apply knowledge of numbers up to 10 to solve word and other challenging problems.
Number Bonds – Identify parts in a whole. Make up number stories to illustrate number bonds within 10. Write number bonds for a given number within 10. Find number pairs that make 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 9, or 10. Find the missing part of a number bond. Review ways to make 10. Review all number bonds.
Making Number Stories – Understand the meaning of addition. Associate addition with the whole-part concept. Write addition sentences using “+” and “=”.
Addition with Number Bonds – Relate number bonds and addition sentences. Write two addition facts for a number bond. Relate addition facts within 10 to number bonds.
Other Methods of Addition (1, 2 or 3 more; counting on) – Use the “count on” strategy to add 1, 2 or 3 to a number within 10. Review number pairs that make 10.
Making Subtraction Stories – Understand the meaning of subtraction. Associate subtraction with the whole-part concept. Make number stories for subtraction. Compare addition to subtraction. Write addition sentences using “-” and “=”. Find the missing part of a set using subtraction.
Methods of Subtraction – Use “taking-away” as a method of subtraction. Relate subtraction within 10 to number bonds. Write a family of 4 addition and 4 subtraction facts for given number bonds. Recall subtraction facts within 5. Use counting back to subtract 1, 2, or 3 from a number within 10. Recognize numbers that differ by 1 or two. Review number pairs that make 10. Determine whether a problem is a subtraction or addition problem.
Ordinal Numbers – Name a position using ordinal numbers. Compare ordinal numbers to numbers. Find an ordinal position from the left or the right.
Numbers to 20 – Count to 20 by building up from 10. Relate numbers 11 to 20 to a ten plus ones. Read and write numerals and number words 11 to 20. Count from 20 to 10. Order numbers within 20.
Addition within 20 – Add two 1-digit numbers using the “make 10″ strategy. Add a 2-digit number within 20 to a 1-digit number.
Subtraction within 20 – Subtract a 1-digit number form a 2-digit number within 20 when there are enough ones. Subtract a 1-digit number form a 2-digit number within 20 when there are not enough ones by subtracting from the ten. Subtract 1, 2, or 3 from a number by counting back.
Modeling Word Problems with Whole-Part Models – Review concepts of parts and wholes. Review number bond models. Learn names for terms in addition and subtraction sentences and relate them to parts and wholes. Learn to read and draw part-whole bar models for addition and subtraction. Use whole-part bar models to help solve addition and subtraction word problems.
Modeling Word Problems with Comparison Models – Learn to read and draw comparison bar models for addition and subtraction. Use comparison bar models to help solve addition and subtraction word problems.
Word Problems within 20 – Solve word problems involving the addition or subtraction of a 1-digit number within 20.
Shapes and Patterns – Recognize and name basic shapes. Sort and classify 2-dimensional shapes by shape, size or color. Describe or continue a pattern according to one or two attributes such as shape, size or color. Fit matching pieces together to form a basic shape.
Length – Compare the lengths of two or more objects. Estimate and measure length in non-standard units.
Weight – Compare the weights of two or more objects. Estimate and measure weight in non-standard units.
End-of-Semester Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 1A