Primary 1B
This is the second semester of the first grade curriculum. This course is designed for ages 6 and older. It contains 18 lessons and meets for 1½ hour per week. Tuition cost: $40.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Comparing Numbers – Use terms “more than” and “less than”. Understand “1 more” as adding on and “1 less” as taking away. Compare two sets of objects by subtraction. Solve picture problems that involve comparison by subtraction.
Picture Graphs – Read and interpret picture graphs. Create picture graphs from given data using one-to-one representation. Create picture graphs from self-generated data using one-to-one representation.
Numbers to 40: Counting – Count within 30. Count within 40. Count within 40 by making tens first. Count on by ones. Count back by ones. Determine missing numbers in a sequence, up to 40. Compare and order numbers within 40.
Numbers to 40: Tens and Ones – Interpret 2-digit numbers within 40 in terms of tens and ones. Find a number which is 1 or 10 more, or less, than a number within 40.
Numbers to 40: Adding and Subtracting Ones and Tens, within 40 – Without renaming: add a 1-digit number to, or subtract a 1-digit number from, a 2-digit number within 40. Add ten to, or subtract ten from, a two-digit number, within 40.
Addition Within 40 – Add or subtract 1, 2, or 3 to a number within 40 by counting on or back. Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number within 40, using the make-ten strategy.
Addition within 40: Word Problems – Solve word problem involving the addition of a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number within 40.
Subtraction Within 40 – With renaming, subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number within 40, using the subtract-from-ten strategy.
Subtraction within 40: Word Problems – Solve word problems involving subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number within 40, using the subtract-from-ten strategy.
Adding Three One-Digit Numbers – Add three one-digit numbers.
Multiplication within 40 – Recognize equal groups. Find the total number in a collection of equal groups, using repeated addition. Use mathematical language such as “4 sixes” or “4 groups of six” to describe equal groups. Write multiplication sentences using “x” and “=” for situations that involve multiplication. Make up number stories that involve multiplication. Interpret multiplication sentences with objects or pictures.
Division within 40 – Sharing and Grouping – Understand division as sharing and grouping. Write division sentences using “÷” and “=” for situations that involve division. Make up number stories that involve division. Interpret division sentences with objects or pictures.
Multiplication and Division: Word Problems – Solve word problems involving multiplication and division within 40.
Halves and Quarters – Understand division as sharing and grouping.
Time – Tell time on the hour. Understand how time on the hour is connected to events of the day. Tell time at half past the hour. Sequence events according to time.
Numbers to 100: Tens and Ones – Count by tens. Count within 100 by making tens. Read and write numbers within 100. Write the numbers as number-words.
Numbers to 100: Order of Numbers – Find the number that is 1 more or less or 10 more or less than a given number within 100. Compare and order numbers within 100. Arrange a group of 2-digit numbers in order. Count on or back by one or tens from a given number within 100.
Addition within 100 – Without regrouping, add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number within 100. With regrouping, add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number within 100, using make-ten strategy. Add a 2-digit number and tens. Add two 2-digit numbers by first adding tens and then ones.
Subtraction within 100 – Without regrouping, subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number within 100. With regrouping, subtract a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number within 100, using subtract-from-ten strategy. Subtract tens from a 2-digit number. Subtract a two 2-digit from a 2-digit number by first subtracting tens and then ones.
Word Problems within 100 – Solve 1- and 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 100.
Money – Recognize and name coins. Count and tell the amount of money in a set of coins up to $1.00. Understand the symbol ¢. Exchange a coin for a set of coins of a smaller denomination. Recognize and name bills. Count and tell the amount of money in a set of bills. Understand the symbol $. Change a bill for an equivalent set of bills of a smaller denomination. Compare the amount of money in two or three sets of coins or bills. Compare the price of two items in cents or dollars. Read the price of an item and make up and make up a set of money in coins or bills. Add or subtract cents within $1. Add or subtract dollars within $20. Solve word problems that involve addition or subtraction of cents or dollars within $20.
Money Word Problems – Solve word problems that involve addition or subtraction of cents within $1 or dollars within $100.
End-of-Year Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 1A and 1B.