Primary 2A
This is the first semester of the second grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2 hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Numbers to 1,000 – Relate 3-digit numbers to hundreds, tens, and ones. Read and write 3-digit numbers. Relate hundreds, tens and ones to currency bills. Rename currency bills. Relate 3-digit numbers to number discs. Rename number discs. Read and write 3-digit numbers and corresponding number words. Count up by 1′s, 10′s, or 100′s. Count back by 1′s, 10′s, or 100′s. Compare and order numbers less than 1,000. Evaluate number patterns.
Meanings of Addition and Subtraction – Review part-whole concept of addition and subtraction. Use addition to find a whole. Use subtraction to find a part. Write fact families with numbers to 100. Compare sets by subtraction. Relate “more than” and “less than” to addition and subtraction. Review addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers without renaming (i.e., carrying or borrowing). Solve word problems involving mental addition and subtraction within 100.
Addition to 1000 without Renaming (a.k.a carrying) – Add ones, tens or hundreds. Add within 100, without renaming, using the formal algorithm for addition. Add a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number without renaming. Add a 3-digit number to a 3-digit number without renaming. Add within 1000 without renaming. Solve word problems involving addition within 1000 without renaming.
Subtraction within 1000 without Renaming (a.k.a carrying or regrouping) – Subtract ones, tens or hundreds. Subtract within 100, without renaming, using the formal algorithm for subtraction. Subtract a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number without renaming. Subtract a 3-digit number to a 3-digit number without renaming. Subtract within 1000 without renaming. Solve word problems involving subtraction within 1000 without renaming.
Subtraction with Renaming Within 1,000 – Subtract one or tens where there is renaming once. Subtract numbers within 100 where the tens are renamed using the formal algorithm for subtraction. Subtract a 1-digit or a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number where tens are renamed. Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number where tens are renamed. Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number where hundreds are renamed. Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number where hundreds are renamed. Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number with renaming twice. Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number with renaming twice. Subtract from a 3-digit number where renaming occurs twice before ones can be subtracted.
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems – Use knowledge of addition and subtraction within 1,000 to solve word problems.
Measuring Length – Understand meters, centimeters, yards, feet and inches as units of measurement. Measure a length to the nearest meter, centimeter, yard or foot. Estimate the length of an object as equal to, longer than, or shorter than one meter, one yard, one foot, or one inch. Find total length in meters by addition. Find difference in lengths by subtraction. Measure a curved length. Draw a straight line of a given length in centimeters or inch. Compare a yard with a foot. Compare a yard with a meter. Compare an inch with a centimeter.
Length Word Problems – Use knowledge of metric and English measurements of length to solve word problems.
Weight – Understand kilograms, grams, pounds, and ounces as units of measurement. Weigh objects to the nearest kilogram, pound, ounce or 50 grams. Add and subtract weights. Compare pounds and kilograms. Compare ounces and grams.
Weight Word Problems – Use knowledge of metric and English measurements of weight to solve word problems.
Multiplication Theory – Recognize equal groups. Find the total number in a collection of equal groups using repeated addition. Use mathematical language such as “3 fours”, “3 groups of 4″, or “4 three times” to describe equal groups. Write multiplication sentences using “x” and “=”. Make up number stories that involve multiplication. Write multiplication sentences for situations that involve multiplication. Interpret multiplication sentences with objects of pictures. Solve multiplication facts within 40 using repeated addition. Use rectangular arrays to illustrate multiplication facts.
Multiplication Table of 2 – Count by twos. Write two multiplication sentences for a rectangular array. Relate counting by 2s to multiplication by 2. Build the multiplication table for 2. Relate facts of 2 more and 2 less. Memorize multiplication facts for 2. Solve word problems involving multiplication by 2.
Division by 2 – Relate division facts to multiplication facts for 2. Memorize division facts for 2. Solve word problems involving division by 2.
Multiplication and Division Word Problems – Use knowledge of multiplication tables of 2 and 3 to solve 1- and 2-step multiplication and division word problems.
End-of-Semester Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 2A.