Primary 4B
This is the second semester of the fourth grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2 hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Decimals: Tenths – Read and write 1-place decimal numbers which are less than 1. Express a fraction with a denominator of 10 as a decimal number. Make a whole with a tenth. Read and write 1-place decimal numbers greater than 1. Locate 1-place decimal numbers on a number line. Write a decimal number as a mixed number. Compare and order 1-place decimal numbers. Write improper fractions with denominator of 10 as decimal numbers. Rename tenths as ones.
Decimals: Hundredths – Read and write 2-place decimal numbers. Express a fraction with a denominator of 100 as a decimal number. Relate each digit in a 2-digit decimal to its place value. Express a mixed number with a denominator of 100 as a decimal. Relate dollars and cents to decimals. Interpret 2-place decimals as the sum of whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths. Locate 2-place decimal numbers on a number line. Evaluate number patterns involving decimal numbers. Express a 2-place decimal number as a fraction in simplest form. Express a fraction with a denominator that is a factor of 100 as a decimal. Compare and order numbers to two decimal places. Add or subtract 0.1 or 0.01 to numbers having up to 2 decimal places. Add and subtract tenths and hundredths to numbers having up to 2 decimal places using mental math strategies.
Decimals: Thousandths – Relate each digit in a 3-digit decimal to its place value. Read and write 3-place decimal numbers. Locate 3-place decimal numbers on a number line. Compare and order numbers to three decimal places. Mentally add or subtract digits from a decimal number. Express a number having up to 3 decimal places as a fraction in simplest form. Compare and order a mixture of decimal numbers and fractions.
Decimals: Rounding Off – Round decimals numbers to the nearest whole number. Round decimal numbers to one decimal place.
Decimals: Addition and Subtraction – Add tenths or hundredths. Add 1-, 2-, and 3-place decimal numbers. Estimate the sum of decimal numbers. Subtract 1- and 2-place decimal numbers. Use mental strategies to add and subtract 2-place decimal numbers close to 1. Solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers.
Decimals: Multiplication – Multiply tenths or hundredths by a 1-digit whole number. Multiply 1-place decimal numbers by a 1-digit whole number. Multiply 2-place decimal numbers by a 1-digit whole number. Solve word problems involving multiplication of decimal numbers. Use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers.
Decimals: Division – Divide a number of up to 2 decimal places by a 1-digit number where the quotient is a tenth or hundredth. Divide a number of up to 2 decimal places by a 1-digit whole number. Divide a number of up to 2 decimal places by a 1-digit whole number where the quotient has the same number of decimal places as the dividend. Divide a number of up to 2 decimal places by a 1-digit whole number where decimal places have to be added to the dividend. Estimate to check the reasonableness of an answer. Round a quotient to one decimal place. Solve word problems involving division of decimal numbers.
Decimals: The Four Operations – Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with up to 3 decimal places. Round decimals to nearest whole number or to one decimal place. Estimate answers. Solve word problems involving the four operations of decimals.
Decimals: Word Problems – Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve multi-step word problems involving decimals. Use models to illustrate word problems involving decimals.
Measures – Review conversion factors for measurements. Multiply length, weight, volume and time in compound units. Divide length, volume and time in compound units.
Symmetry – Identify symmetric figures. Identify and draw lines of symmetry. Complete a symmetric figure with respect to a line of symmetry.
Solid Figures – Visualize solids drawn on isometric dot paper. Use cubes to build solids drawn on isometric dot paper. Determine the number of cubes used to make a solid drawn on isometric dot paper. Visualize and build new solids formed by adding and taking away unit cubes from a solid drawn on isometric dot paper.
Volume – Find the volume of a solid in cubic units. Visualize the size of a cubic centimeter, cubic meter, cubic inch, cubic foot, and cubic yard. Find the volume of a cuboid given its length, width and height in cubic centimeters, inches, feet, meters or yards. Find the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot. Find the number of cubic feet in a cubic yard. Recognize the equivalency of 1 cm3 with 1 ml, and 1,000 cm3 with 1 liter. Covert cubic centimeters to liters and milliliters. Convert liters and milliliters to cubic centimeters.
Volume Word Problems – Apply knowledge of volume to solve word problems.
End-of-Year Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 4A and 4B.