Primary 3B
This is the second semester of the third grade curriculum. This course contains 18 lessons and meets for 2 hours per week. Tuition cost: $50.00 USD per student-class-week.
Concepts taught are:
Methods of Mental Addition – Review mental addition of ones or tens. Add numbers within 100 by adding first the tens and then the ones. Add numbers within 100 by making tens. Add ones or tens to 3-digit numbers.
Methods of Mental Subtraction – Review mental subtraction of ones and tens. Subtract numbers within 100 by subtracting first the tens and then the ones. Subtract numbers within 100 by subtracting from a ten. Subtract numbers within 1000 by subtracting from a hundred.
Methods of Mental Multiplication – Review multiplication of tens or hundreds by a 1-digit number.
Methods of Mental Division – Divide tens, hundreds, or thousands by a 1-digit number by removing and appending the correct number of 0′s.
Length: Meters and Centimeters – Review meters and centimeters as units of length. Find the number of centimeters in a meter. Convert a measurement in meters and centimeters to centimeters and vice versa. Add meters and centimeters in compound units. Subtract centimeters in compound units.
Length: Kilometers – Understand the kilometer as a unit of measurement. Convert a measurement in kilometers and meters to meters and vice versa. Add kilometers and meters in compound units. Subtract kilometers and meters in compound units.
Length: Yards, Feet, Inches and Miles – Review yards, feet and inches as units of length. Measure in yards, feet and inches. Convert between yards and feet. Convert between feet and inches. Add or subtract yards and feet in compound units. Add or subtract feet and inches in compound units. Recognize the mile as a unit of length. Add or subtract miles.
Length Word Problems – Apply knowledge of metric and English units of length to solve word problems.
Weight: Kilograms and grams – Review kilograms and grams. Read scales. Estimate weights. Convert between kilograms and grams. Subtract grams from 1 kilogram. Add or subtract kilograms and grams in compound units.
Weight: Pounds and Ounces – Review pounds and ounces. Read scales in pounds and ounces. Estimate weights. Convert between pounds and ounces. Subtract ounces from pounds. Add or subtract pounds and ounces in compound units.
Weight: Word Problems – Apply knowledge of metric and English units of weight to solve word problems.
Capacity: Liters and Milliliters – Understand the term capacity. Understand the milliliter and liter as units of measurement. Convert between liters and milliliters. Add or subtract milliliters and liters in compound units. Solve word problems involving capacity.
Capacity: Gallons, Quarts, Pints and Cups – Understand gallons, quarts, pints and cups as units of measurement. Convert between gallons, quarts, pints and cups. Add or subtract gallons, quarts, pints or cups in compound units.
Graphs – Relate bar graphs to picture graphs with scales. Read scales on bar graphs. Read and interpret bar graphs.
Fractions of a Whole – Recognize and name fractions of a whole. Make a whole with a fraction. Visualize relative sizes of fractions of a whole. Compare and order unit fractions. Understand the terms numerator and denominator. Compare and order fractions with a common numerator. Compare and order fractions with a common denominator.
Equivalent Fractions – Recognize and name equivalent fractions. Find equivalent fractions using fraction bars. Find equivalent fractions using multiplication. Find equivalent fractions using division. Find the simplest form of a fraction. Compare and order simple fractions.
Adding and Subtracting Related Fractions – Add related fractions. Subtract related fractions. Give answers in simplest form.
Time – Review a.m. and p.m. Understand the relative magnitudes of hours and minutes. Tell time to 1-minute intervals. Find the duration of a time interval using a clock face. Convert hours and minutes to minutes and vice versa. Find the duration of a time interval without using a clock face. Find the end time when given the start time and the time interval. Find the start time when given the end time and the time interval. Understand the second as a unit of measurement. Measure time in seconds. Convert from minutes and seconds to seconds and vice versa. Understand the calendar. Know the months of the year. Convert between years and months in compound units. Know the days of the week. Convert between weeks and days in compound units. Solve problems involving time.
Angles – Identify angles in the environment. Relate size of angles to the degree of turning. Relate the number of angles to the number of sides of a polygon. Identify right angles. Classify angles as less than, equal to, or greater than a right angle.
Perpendicular and Parallel Lines – Define perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify perpendicular and parallel lines. Draw perpendicular and parallel lines.
Area and Perimeter – Find the area of a figure in square units. Compare the area of figures in square units. Measure and compare area in square centimeters or inches. Measure area in square meters, feet, or yards. Visualize and compare relative sizes in square centimeters, meters, inches, feet and yards. Measure the perimeter of a figure. Compare the area of figures to their perimeter. Find the perimeter of a rectilinear figure given the length of each side. Find the area of a rectangle given the length of each side. Solve problems involving area and perimeter.
End-of-Year Review – Cumulative review of topics covered in 3A and 3B.